San Isidro Patron Saint of Farmers
Our Summer catalog proudly features beautiful piece of artwork created by New Mexican artist Carlos Otero. This piece of work is very fitting to showcase because of our Summer 2024 Raffle. The Grand Prize of the raffle is a full order of New Mexican raised beef that have grazed upon the 270 acres of our San Isidro and the Three Sister’s Farm

About the San Isidro:

San Isidro (Isodore the Farmer, also know as Isodore the Laborer) is the Patron Saint of Farmers is front and center of this piece of art. He was a common worker known for his piety toward the poor and animal. The manger art depicts San Isidro along with an angel ploughing for him. San Isidro was known to be late for work each day and soon in trouble with his wealthy landowner boss. He was tardy for work while attending mass and praying. An angel miraculous appeared and took over his work so that San Isidro could continue his steadfast prayers.

This miracle is but one of many of this famous and popular Saint. But it’s very fitting we have named our farm after him, and this year’s raffle proceeds are all being used to further develop our fledgling farm and many new programs being implemented there. If interested, please purchase a ticket and have a chance to win a year’s supply of New Mexican beef!

About Carlos Otero:

Carlos Jose' Otero is a member of the Spanish Colonial Arts Society since 1996. Spanish Colonial Santero Art is one venue where Carlos can express the beautiful traditions and culture of New Mexico. He states that, 'studying the era when each of these saints lived and knowing their story makes one understand the faith and devotion our ancestors had for these heroes. These were men and women who, since before Christianity, were willing to give the full measure of commitment and devotion, setting a standard of morality for all to follow".

Carlos is a self-taught santero artist and has received many awards including 4 "Best of Shows", numerous 1st Places and other awards. He carves mostly with cottonwood. He uses homemade gesso; he grinds his own natural earth pigments, makes his own trementina (pinon sap varnish) and uses bee’s wax in all of his traditional art. He is juried in 4 categories; retablo, bulto, wood and gesso relief.

He retired from Albuquerque Public Schools where he taught Industrial technology, NM history, Spanish, and coordinated an Industrial Cooperative Training program for 3 years. After retirement, he worked 4 years with UNM and New Mexico Highlands University bringing traditional art and culture to schools. He has given many NM traditional and cultural presentations to students from Las Cruces to Santa Cruz de la Canada. He coordinated and taught many summer and after school programs to hundreds of children that included retablo painting, tin work, colcha and straw application. The programs were in Belen, Tome, Los Lunas, Isleta, Albuquerque and Rio Rancho schools, he organized Spanish colonial artists to teach these traditional methods. He recently taught retablo making, did traditional music and a little NM history to 200 students at John Paul Taylor Academy (K to 8th grade) in Las Cruces, NM.

Carlos is mentoring his grandchildren; Joshua (12 yrs.) who has received many carving awards including 2012 Best of Show in his age group; Victoriana (8) and Alianna (10) are working on retablos and some carvings.

He has done many presentations across the state to adults on NM history, art, culture, music, tradition and/or genealogy; Las Cruces Spanish Market, Los Lunas Historical Society, Our Lady of Guadalupe NM, UNM, Corrales Historical Society, Grants Fiesta de Colores, San Felipe Santero Show, Los Lunas Historical Society, Marriage Enrichment and Belen Historical Society. For several years, he was part of "Raices de Herencia" project that presented pictorial histories of family connections, culture and history, in Albuquerque, Tome’, Belen, Los Lunas, Isleta and presented at the National Hispanic Community Center in Albuquerque, NM. He has been in several videos presenting NM traditions and culture in music, art and lecture. He has gone to Spain, Universidad Polytechnica, to talk about traditional NM art.

Carlos has shown in San Felipe Santero Show, Grants Fiesta de Colores, Corrales Harvest Show, El Rancho de las Golondrinas, Archdiocese of Santa Fe, UNM Cultural Art Show, Tome’ Gallery, Los Lunas History Museum, San Acacio Art Show, Taos Santero Show, Pueblo (CO) Santero Show, Morrison (CO) Santero Show, Colorado Springs (CO) Art Show and has not missed a Winter or Summer Spanish Colonial Market since he started in 1996.

His love of art extends to NM music, history, architecture, poetry and geneology. Carlos was the featured poet at UNM Poetry Recital, was awarded several 1st Places for poetry recital at NM Veterans Art Show and a 2nd Place at Nationals. His poems on NM culture and tradition, and Viet Nam are in Univ. of NM archives. He presented for a Spanish Crypto-Sephardic Jewish Conference and has done numerous performances and presentations throughout New Mexico. He partially wrote and performed for two weddings the "Entrega de Novios" in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California and he and his wife did the "Marcha" (wedding march) taking the NM tradition to a large community where it was basically unknown. He and his wife, Vickie, have been a part of the music ministry for Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Peralta, NM for more than 30 years.

Carlos was born in El Cerro-Tome in 1947 and graduated from Los Lunas High School in 1965. Served in Viet Nam in 1967-68 during Tet and started college upon his return. In 1970, he married Vickie Sedillo and they have 4 children, 3 grandchildren. He received his Masters Degree in Bicultural –Bilingual Education from New Mexico Highlands University. He is an active voting member of the Artists Liaison Committee and also, a member of the Entertainment Committee for Spanish Market. He is a direct descendant of the founders of Santa Fe (1610), Albuquerque (1706), Tome (1739) and he can trace his New Mexican families back to the 1590’s.

He has taught and shared his love of culture and tradition in hopes that it inspires others to better understand the connections to our past.